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Accomplishments | HTML Frontend | Cookie Clicker | Sprint 1 hacks |
Programming Topics
Unit 1 — Variables and Assignments
- Naming: SnakeCase, Pascal Case, CamelCase
- Types of Variables: Intigers, Strings, Boolean, Floats, Lists, Dictionaries
- Operators
- Arrays and Objects in Javascript: Arrays, Objects
Unit 2 — Data Abstraction
- Learned how various data types can use abstraction for efficiency
- Created dictionaries to encapse variables
- Learned about number functions to create a simple javascript and python calculator
- Learned about looping through strings to print outputs in python
- Functions that compare different strings with eachother, and returning true or false outputs.
Unit 3 — Mathematical Expressions
- Using arithmetic operators (+,-,*,/) to perform calculatoins
- Also learned the code for factorials involving variable creation as well as multiplication and subtraction. Can also use division and addition based on personal preference.
- Learned about fibonacci sequence and how to calculate the "n"th digit of fibonacci sequence
Unit 4 — Strings and String Operations
- Go over string functions in both javascript and python as follows:
- Concatenation, Interpolation, Indexing (substrings), escape characters (javascript)
- Using looping to create a palindrome checker and reverse order hack (python)
Unit 5 — Boolean Expressions
- Learned how boolean expressions involve using loops and conditions to make decisions.
- Rational Operators, Logical Operators
- Creating Logic Gate Similator in boty Python and Java
- Contrapositive Law in Python and Java
Unit 6 — Conditionals
- Go over If Statements, Else Statements, Javascript and Python Examples.
- Use these conditionals in our popcorn hacks
Unit 7 — Nested Conditionals
- If statements, Else Statements, Nested Conditions, and Examples in both languages we're learning.
- Conditionals using variables and operations to pair with if and else statements to create programs.
Unit 8 — Iterations
- Going over Looping: For Loops, While Loops / Do-While Loops, Index Loops
- Learning how to continue and break loops
- Endless/Infinite loop. When Condition is not met then loop continues infintetly
- Common operations: iterating over rows and columns.
- Using exceptions with loops
Unit 10 — Lists
- Learning how storage and maniplation of data is performed using indexing and lists.
- Learned how to: Add values to lists, insert elements to list, append elements to end of lists, remove elements from list, and calculate the length of a list.
- Learned about Pseudocode:
- Variables in sudocode, number lists, modulus operator (remainder) and control structures.
- Practiced using iterations in functions.